
The Hebbian Learning Theory -"Hebb's Principle"

The Hebbian Learning Theory Who founded The Hebbian Learning Theory? Dr. Donald Hebb                       What is The Hebbian Learning Theory? Postulate 1:    What questions do you have about Postulate 1?  We are exploring the following questions... Postulate 2: How does Hebb's theory relate to the neuroscience of learning?  How might The Hebbian Principle be applied to reading engagement?  How does Hebb's Theory relate to educational practice? Why should we care?  Our Existing Questions are:

Lit Review Map


Literature Review Process-Day 1

 Literature Review Thought Process Literature review/theoretical framework For my literature review, I will survey existing research on my topic, analyze/describe gaps in preexisting research, and justify my argument with evidence. Step 1= Examine the literature : Describe what/how much research has been performed on my topic. Synthesize key approaches/findings from the most relevant studies. Describe the strengths and weaknesses of previous research. Describe any gaps or limitations in existing research. Step 2 = Draft literature review Address gaps in the literature. Build a new theoretical or methodological (logic model) approach to the topic. Proposes a solution to an unresolved problem. Builds on and strengthens existing knowledge with new data. Advances a theoretical debate. Step 3 = Present the Logic Model (CMM) Discuss the theory that informs my research. Define key terms and explain relevant concepts. Present any relevant models that help interpret your findings.

Cerebellum Lobules in the ADHD Brain

  There are two main parts of the cerebellum: Cerebellar cortex:  A layer containing folded tissue containing most of the cerebellum's neurons Cerebellar nuclei : The innermost part of the cerebellum containing nerve cells that communication information from the cerebellum The cerebellum makes up just 10% of the total volume of the brain, yet it contains an estimated 50% 1  to 80% 2  of the brain's  neurons .  Affected Cerebellum Lobules in the ADHD Brain References Berquin PC, Giedd JN, Jacobsen LK, Hamburger SD, Krain AL, Rapoport JL, Castellanos FX. Cerebellum in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: a morphometric MRI study. Neurology. 1998 Apr;50(4):1087-93. doi: 10.1212/wnl.50.4.1087. PMID: 9566399. Llinas RR, Walton KD, Lang EJ (2004). “Ch. 7 Cerebellum”. In Shepherd GM. The Synaptic Organization of the Brain. New York: Oxford University Press Goddard, Reflexes learning and behaviour, 2005 Leiner HC, Leiner AL, Dow RS. The underestimated cerebe...

An Expanded View of The Problem

  Every year, poor reading outcomes cost taxpayers more than 225 billion dollars (NCES, 2005) . The US economy spends 100 billion each year to fund unemployment ( Staiger & Waldmann, 2017) and underemployment (Faraone & Biederman &, 2006). In 2015, the National Adult Literacy Survey revealed that 44 million Americans were categorized as “functionally illiterate” (UNESCO, 2015).  This means that 23% of adults do not have reading skills beyond the 4th-grade level (National Center for Education Statistics [NCES], 2007).   Research states that “functionally illiterate” individuals lack the ability to implement reading, writing, and mathematical skills that prolong one’s personal, occupational, or societal development ( Vagvolgy, et al., 2016) .  Research shows that low achievement in literacy leads to substandard job performance (Biederman et al., 2008), criminality (Mannuzza, 2008), higher rates of criminal recidivism (Drakeford, 2002), and mortality (Bardon...

Establish The Background

Every year, poor reading outcomes cost taxpayers more than 225 billion dollars (NCES, 2005) . The US economy spends 100 billion each year to fund unemployment ( Staiger & Waldmann, 2017) and underemployment (Faraone & Biederman &, 2006). In 2015, the National Adult Literacy Survey revealed that 44 million Americans were categorized as “functionally illiterate” (UNESCO, 2015).  This means that 23% of adults do not have reading skills beyond the 4th-grade level (National Center for Education Statistics [NCES], 2007).   Research states that “functionally illiterate” individuals lack the ability to implement reading, writing, and mathematical skills that prolong one’s personal, occupational, or societal development ( Vagvolgy, et al., 2016 ).  Research shows that low achievement in literacy leads to substandard job performance (Biederman et al., 2008), criminality (Mannuzza, 2008), higher rates of criminal recidivism (Drakeford, 2002), and mortality (Bardone et al...

The Solidification of Terms

  Topic : The Solidification of Terms: Why It Matters? Thought questions :  How can baseline terminology influence or disrupt individual/collective perspectives? Can definitions lead to stigmas?  How can we avoid generalizing & stigmatizing? In the course of my research journey, I've discovered the importance of not only understanding the core of baseline terminology but also how these meanings shape our perspective of mental health issues.  I spent time exploring the various definitions of ADHD. What is the definition of ADHD? According to the American Psychiatric Association , Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is “one of the most common health disorders, affecting approximately 5 to 10% of children in the United States. The hallmarks of the syndrome of ADHD are inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Symptoms of this condition are expressed in multiple settings and across numerous functional domains, thus demonstrating the pervasiveness of ...