Day 3: Develop an outline

 As I reflect on my plans and procedures before writing my literature review, it is quite evident that the creation of an outline is necessary. I started to review my main & sub argumentation and asked myself, "how can I extract sub-arguments?" First I started looking at my main arguments, and I asked myself, "what are my main arguments?" In order to extract my main arguments, I asked myself, what are the most important parts of my why? Why am I writing this proposal? What is the bigger theme that surrounds my entire purpose? 

 7 Main Arguments:

1. ADHD is a brain health problem, a neuropsychological disorder, characterized by genetic underpinnings.

2. It's difficult to teach literacy to students with ADHD using traditional approaches (a better approach is needed). 

3. Many special education students who suffer from literacy deficiencies become a part of the criminal system. 

4. Long-term effects of ADHD produce severe comorbidities, such as anxiety & depression.

5. Literacy skills matter for everyone, but for those with ADHD, traditional classroom approaches are no longer sustainable due to the organization of this specific type of brain. 

6.  Cognitive-behavioral treatment approaches for students with ADHD vs. school-based approaches.

7. Close or bridge the literacy gap for those with ADHD by helping teachers and medical doctors to understand why this is such a problem. 


1a. What are the genetic underpinnings of ADHD?

1b. How is ADHD characterized according to American Psychiatric Association or AMA?

1c. Why do boys suffer the most?

2a. What Literacy Approaches has previously served those with ADHD? Were they successful? What works? What does not work? Why or why not?

2b. Why do ADHD students lose focus (disengagement)? 

2c. What brain areas are comprised within the ADHD brain specifically? (SN, NA, WM, DMN)

SN-Substantia Nigra

NA-Nucleus Accumbens

WM-Working Memory

DMN-Default Mode Network

2d. How do the aforementioned brain areas relate to literacy?

3. How can interventions, treatment plans & procedures close the prison pipeline gap?

4a. What are the long-term effects of ADH on brain health? Anxiety? Depression?

5a. What can teachers do at the middle school level to shrink the gap?

5b. Why are older approaches no longer viable?

5c. Why are new literacy approaches, like computer coding, necessary? 

6a. Behavioral vs. cognitive treatment approaches (MRI scans/what do they show?)

7a. Why engagement matters in literacy? Why is there a need for a new equation that includes engagement?

7b. How does engagement work in the adolescent ADHD brain?

7c. Close the gap by improving teaching instructional practice that involves better approaches for teaching literacy?

Next steps...Develop my outline by adding my main sources and additional sources. Create a system for tracking my sources. Differentiate between educational/medical sources. 



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