Doctoral Student Proposal Writing Day 1

 Day 1

    Today is the first day that I am beginning my proposal writing process. In preparing for this journey, I think it's important to consider the planning process by creating a plan that works for you. So, we might begin by asking the following questions: What does planning look like at the doctoral level? How does effective planning play out for one's proposal? How can we maximize our time? Why is it important to say "no" to any activitiy that is not aligned with your goals, learning, writing, and researching? 

    For me, a major aspect of this planning process involved creating a concept map as recommended by my teacher leadership advisor. I really loved her idea because this method allowed me flush out my thoughts. For example, I began to think about my "why?" Why am I writing this proposal? What is the purpose? Who is my audience? What is my main topic and argument? What are the most important sub topics that relate to my main topic? I listed as much as my brain allowed me to think of during that particular moment. 

I'm so incredibly thankful for this day. 

It's time for me to create my concept map.



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